Natren Probiotic Yogurt Starter
Hello,we meet again. in accordance with what we did before, we'll present to you writeup on the best product to your requirements.
this time, we are going to discuss Natren Probiotic Yogurt Starter. a fantastic product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that people can present it into our lives.
What is fun is Natren Probiotic Yogurt Starter is incredibly easy to use. for novices, just by going through the manuals we could use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the first purpose we should buy it.
thankfully you can get/buy Natren Probiotic Yogurt Starter with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen probably the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to acquire it for our beloved people. anyway, the product is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Natren
Price : $34.99
Product Description
Natren Probiotic Yogurt Starter. Authentic Bulgarian Formula. Makes the most delicious yogurt in the world -- Bon Appetit
Product Features
- INGREDIENTS: Nonfat Milk Solids, Whey, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus Bacteria.
- Do not freeze or expose to moisture, heat or direct sunlight. Keep starter refrigerated at all times. Do not accept if seal is broken.
- Contains no preservatives or artificial colors and flavors.
- Makes up to 30 quarts.
- Made in the U.S.A.
Price : $34.99
Customer Reviews
I used to make my own yogurt years ago with this yogurt starter ~ it makes a smooth, creamy, non-tart yogurt that everyone loves. It's better tasting than ice cream - no kidding. It's a rich, wonderful, delicious texture and I have been missing it. I just ordered another yogurt maker and will be placing an order for this starter as soon as I can afford to.
If you are near a Whole Foods, they carry this yogurt starter, that is where I always bought mine. How I eat my yogurt is: I ONLY make plain yogurt and will put 1 spoon of jam or honey on top...that's it. Enjoy good health ~xox
--- I only use whole milk for my yogurt...will even add some heavy whipping cream to it. I believe in eating the good fats - they keep you full, taste so much better, keep your taste-buds satisfied, and give you that wonderful mouth-feel while you're eating. Always enjoy all your foods in moderation and keep them natural.
I've never made yogurt before because I always thought it would be too hard and really not taste very good, especially if it was healthy. Was I ever wrong! I put 1 tsp of the Natrene Probiotic Yogurt Starter in 1 quart of milk and stick it in the Miracle Milk Carton Yogurt Maker - (ME72) I got at the same time. It's easy, delicious and healthy! I've made it a couple times a week and my family will eat it as is, add fruit or it's really good to make frozen yogurt with in the Cuisinart ICE-30BC Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Automatic Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream Maker
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